SAYACINTAINDONESIA — There may be only one in the world, a church that allows drunkards in it. The Gabola Church of International Ministries is a church for drunkards located in Johannesburg, South Africa.

If you want to enter this church, the congregation will be baptized with their own favorite alcoholic drink. The madness doesn’t stop there, the pastor will also pray for the drink bottles brought by his congregation.

With the concept of “heaven in sight” the drunkard church founder named Tsietsi Makiti wants his congregation to not have to linger in heaven. By worshiping while drinking liquor, they will certainly be calmer in praying.

Gabola Church: By

This is an extraordinary vision, those drunkards rejected by the traditional churches I will welcome in this church. No more worry, they will sit comfortably enjoying liquor while praising the name of God, added Makiti while scratching his dirty buttocks.

The Gabola Church was founded in November 2017 and already has more than 5 thousand congregations, most of whom are trunks. However, in the midst of the Corona virus pandemic, the church’s capacity has been reduced by 50 percent with church members implementing social distancing. In addition, drinking alcohol while worshiping is temporarily suspended until the pandemic is declared over.

Source: BBC

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